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Theology Articles Database

Shamshiyev, Ozat - Mahmut Samar
Dirasetun Havle Masdari Kaideti "Küllu Karzin Cerru Nef'an fe-hüve Riban" ve Kava'idu Mümarisati have Tatbikatihafi'l-Mu'amelati'l-Maliyyeti'l Hadisiyye = "Menfaat Celbeden Her Karz Ribâdır" Kaidesinin Kaynağı, Uygulama Esasları ve Günümüz Finansal İşlemlerinde Tatbiki Üzerine Bir İnceleme = A Study of the Source and Code of Practive of the Legal Maxim "Every Loan That Entails Benefit is Usury" and its Implementation in Modern Financial Transactions, İslâm Tetkikleri Dergisi = Journal of Islamic Review, 2023, cilt: XIII, sayı: 2, s. 519-539
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