The Collection of Muhammad b. Muhammad b. Tâvît et-Tancî (1918-1974) محمد الطنجي

The most important feature of the collection is that it contains materials on many scientific subjects. The collection consisting of 768 records can be grouped under three headings; Ledgers, Miscellaneous Documents and Receipts.

(The documents belonging to M. Tancî and included in the collection by being classified between numbers 739-768 in the catalogue, was delivered to İSAM Library by Prof. Dr. Ethem Ruhi Fığlalı.)


A large portion of the collection, 550 pieces, consists of notebooks. Since some of the notebooks have subject integrity with each other, the collection has been cataloged in 446 records. The collection also includes various works on many other subjects such as history, literature, philosophy, hadith, and astronomy. These notebooks, which largely contain academic notes, include bibliographic information as well as index studies, various copied works, and research that M. Tancî started and could not complete. At the beginning of these studies is Ibn Khaldūn’s Muqaddimah, which to some extent constitutes the beginning of M. Tancî’s scientific studies. In addition, Ibn Nedim’s Fihrist, Hutay’e’s Divan, Gazzali’s various treatises constitute other titles on which there is intensive study and material.

Miscellaneous Documents

In addition to notebooks, there are a total of 189 letters in the collection. A significant portion of these letters include private and official correspondence, including M. Tancî’s academic studies.


A significant part of the collection consists of numerous bibliographic slips on the subjects listed above.